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“I believe Agritourism alleviate poverty in rural areas of Trinidad and Tobago”

“I believe Agritourism alleviate poverty in rural areas of Trinidad and Tobago"

Currently in Trinidad the majority of farming is located in rural area’s. Farmers tend to come from humble beginnings and continue to live a humble lifestyle. Not much has changed over the years. Farmers are awake in the very early morning hours tending their crops and eventually sell them to wholesalers at a very small profit. The wholesalers then sells to retailers who eventually sells to the consumers. I would like to suggest that this model of operation needs to change to help the farmers as well as Trinidad and Tobago. Farmers can sell directly to consumers by setting up retail shops on the farm.

There is a limited variety of entertainment in Trinidad and Tobago. Tourist and locals are sometimes limited to choosing to go to the beach, or movies, the mall, and restaurants. Farmers can take advantage of this. Most tourist that visit Trinidad for a short stay, less than one week are here to work or visit clients in the energy sector or other sectors of Trinidad. Farmers can target these business tourist and locals to spend a few hours on the farm where they’re invited to tour the farm, pick fresh fruits and vegetables, see how the farm operates and eventually taken into the farmhouse to purchase bottle food items produced on the farm. Farmers can also have restaurants in their farms, sell t-shirts, and also sell other farm related items. This new way of doing business for farming can help alleviate poverty in the rural areas where farmers can now make more profit and hire more people to work on the farm.

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